IS Living, Inc.


The job development department of Integrated Supports for Living, Inc. - IS Living moved into a new office in which they share a lobby with another non-profit with close ties to their parent organization. A ribbon cutting ceremony was less than 2 weeks away and there was no signage on the outside of the building, and nothing in the lobby indicating which side of the office was for IS Living. Additionally, they were utilizing a space adjacent to the lobby (divided by a glass wall) for their lunch room. Their staff and job program participants would feel more comfortable with more privacy while occupying that space during meal breaks. The lobby featured a unique carpet design with blue and bright green. Those colors in the carpet were in the same ballpark as the IS Living brand colors — but different enough that they would clash. Replacing or removing the carpet was not an option.


&Rew Branding developed 3 different solutions for covering the glass wall and presented to the client. They chose this direction featuring a large white logo with identical colors featured in the carpet, along with their company’s vision statement. The design was printed on vinyl and installed by our friends from All Star Custom Graphics. In addition to the glass wall, we designed a simple wayfinding sign for the front desk, taking two leaves from the logo and making them into a directional arrow. The exterior portion of the solution was a vinyl printed logo, on the window next to the front door.


Jackson's Body Shop


Keizer Homegrown Theatre